Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Something to think about...

Today, I read an article in the wall street journal, entitled, "The Upside of Autism". The article states that a new study from the University of London shows that autistic people tend to process information faster and more easily than the "regular person". Basically, autism is "an alternate way of making sense of the world". That line blew me away... this is how I view autism and other so called "disorders". Then I got to the bottom of the article.... "For too long we've assumed that there is a single template for human nature, which is why we diagnose most deviations as disorders. But the reality is that there are many different kinds of minds". What a refreshing way to look at autism! For so long we have tried to make these adults and children fit into our world and what we believe to be "normal". But, maybe, we aren't the normal ones. Maybe, just maybe, we're wrong....

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